Marymount Academy

Entire Marymount Student Population Completes ICE Certification!

The students at Marymount Academy had a unique opportunity to work with the Maison McCulloch Hospice! Through ICE Certification (Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship Certification Certification), the school worked in groups to assist the Hospice, providing solutions to a real-life case study. The students will then present their ideas to the Hospice, who will help bring them to life!

This is a great opportunity for our Regals to learn about the value of business and creativity and give back to our community at the same time!

Marymount Regals Flag Football Win 25th Consecutive Game!

On Tuesday, October 3rd the Regals’ Flag Football team defeated Lockerby 10-1 to make it 25 consecutive wins dating back to their first game of the 2014 season. Marymount has won the past 6 consecutive Division I City Championships and with the way the standings are shaping up it looks like there could be another marquee matchup in a final between Marymount and Confederation, and a chance at a 7th straight title. Only time will tell. Coaches Dan Bartolucci, Jason Weiler, Tori Jewell, and Julia Boschetto couldn’t be happier with the start to this season. “We have a lot of new players in starting roles on this year’s team and quite a few players who are learning the game for the first time so we have relied heavily on some of the more experienced players to help out with teaching the game and they have stepped up big time.” Bartolucci stated that the mentorship and sisterhood that occurs on the football field is very different than most other sports. He credits this as being the best part of the game. “Watching veteran standout players like Cassidy Burton on offense or Tyana Soucy on defense lead by example is fantastic for fans of football, and we love to watch them in action but we have the luxury of watching these girls practice and teach other members of the team how it’s done. It’s incredible to watch!” Last year Marymount was awarded “Team of the Decade” at the House of Kin Sudbury Sports Hall of Fame dinner. Since their run began in 2011, the flag football team hosts a record of 42-5 with only two losses occurring since 2013. The Regals are back in action Monday, Oct. 16th vs. Lively!

Regals Win Big at the House of Kin Sudbury Sports Hall of Fame Dinner

Allison Byrnes – High School Female Athlete of the Year

This was the second year in a row that Allison was nominated for the High School Female Athlete of the Year. She’s a two-time Marymount Senior Athlete of the Year and was selected among three of her peers from area schools around Sudbury as the top female high school athlete in the city. Allison was the offensive MVP of the flag football team and the MVP for the soccer team. She also attended OFSAA for track and field and was a key player for the Senior Volleyball team and the Badminton team. Allison is heading to Carleton University next year to study Forensic Psychology and is considering trying out for the Varsity Girls’ Soccer team.

Flag Football Team – High School Team of the Decade (Inaugural Award)

The Flag Football team was nominated for the first time as “High School Team of the Year” after their impressive undefeated season once again this year. What the team didn’t realize is that there was something else in store for the them. The awards committee decided that this was the year to start a new award called the “High School Team of the Decade,” and with their current string of six consecutive city championships, there was no better recipient than our very own Regals Flag Football Team. The Chairman and creator of the Sudbury Sports Hall of Fame made the presentation and extended his congratulations on this incredible run. Team Members Kayla Yitts, Tyanna Soucy, Jade Davies, Cassidy Burton, Allison Byrnes, and coaches Julia Boschetto, Tori Jewell, and Dan Bartolucci were on hand to receive the award.

Marymount Students Paint Mural to Honour the Sudbury Blue Door Soup Kitchen!

Last week, the Sudbury Blue Door Soup Kitchen celebrated 35 years of “opening doors for people in need”. Marymount Marymount Academy has a long-standing partnership with the Blue Door Soup Kitchen – for the past several years, the Grade 9 students have had the opportunity to volunteer there as a way of putting their Religion curriculum into practice through service to others. This year, for the anniversary, Marymount art students contributed by painting this beautiful mural across their interior wall, making it a focal point for the centre. Congratulations Mykenzie Douglas, Shaleigh Wisniewski & Taylor Lapierre-Grignon for all your hard work!

Secondary Students Participate in Diversity Day!

Sudbury Catholic District School Board hosted its first ever Diversity Day for secondary students on Friday, May 5th, with the goal of breaking down stereotypes and supporting all students in our schools, in particular racialized students. The morning was spent meeting with young people from different cultures and learning about their experiences living and attending school in Sudbury. We also spent time examining who has power in our world and what we can do in the face of oppression, colonialism and white privilege. The afternoon was work time, where each high school got together with school mates and determined a campaign to bring their learning of diversity back to their schools.

A beautiful day of learning and action, determining “what we all share” as we move forward towards a more equitable future for all!

Sudbury Catholic School Students win at Turning Points Essay Contest

Several Sudbury Catholic School students won during the Turning Points Essay contest. Winners were from St. Anne, St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School, Marymount Academy and St. Charles College. The winning students got to read their essays and stories to their friends and families. Congratulations to all of the winners, you should be very proud of your accomplishments!

Sudbury Catholic Schools awarded as Stars of Excellence at 2017 Kiwanis Music Festival

Participant schools included Marymount Academy, St. Anne Catholic School, Holy Trinity Catholic School, Immaculate Conception, Holy Cross Catholic School, St.Benedict Catholic Secondary School, St. John Catholic School and St. Charles College.

The senior band and strings ensemble from Marymount Academy (pictured here) were recommended for the provincial competition.

Congratulations to all musicians who participated and thank you for sharing your gifts with us.

Victors of Transition!

Jarah Preston from the Learning Disabilities Association of Sudbury was invited to St. Francis School on April 19, 2017 to deliver a presentation entitled Victors of Transition. The LDAS presentation is targeted to address all students in the grade 6 Regular, French Immersion and Special Education classes who will be transitioning onto grade 7 at either St. Benedict, Marymount Academy or St. Charles College in the fall. Special Education Resource Teacher, Ms. G. Visentin, annually welcomes the presentation to help prepare students and discuss how they may better prepare themselves for their transition to the next grade and new school setting in the fall.

Help Marymount’s students win the Young Entrepreneurs, Make Your Pitch competition!

Young Entrepreneurs, Make Your Pitch is a high school entrepreneurship competition presented by Ontario Centres of Excellence and the Ministry of Economic Development and Growth as part of the Youth Jobs Strategy. The competition challenges students in Grades 9-12 to pitch their business ideas in a two-minute video that will be voted on by the public and expert judges. Finalists will present their ideas in front of a judging panel in Toronto at Discovery for a chance to receive reserved entry into the Summer Company program.

Grade 11 & 12 students Emma Chamberland, Alexandra Caverson, Alessandra Kempsen, and Caitlyn Wiermeir aspire to start an embroidery company within Marymount Academy. Their ultimate goal for the student-run school company is to reduce the cost of embroidered apparel to allow all students the opportunity to purchase Regal Wear and customized school clothing.

Please vote for our video using the link below. Voting is open until 1:00 pm on Thursday, April 20th. it MMA

Sudbury Catholic Schools students, teacher take home honours at the Sudbury Regional Science Fair

The Sudbury Regional Science Fair was held this weekend and we are very proud of our winners:

Third Place
Catherine St-Jean
Jennifer Qiu
Marymount Academy
Project Title: Le chauffage solaire est dans l’air

Catherine St-Jean
Jennifer Qiu
Marymount Academy
Project Title: Le chauffage solaire est dans l’air

Faith Charbonneau
Elizabeth Natti
St. John Elementary School
Project Title: k-9 cover

Congratulations to our students, along with teacher Andrea Jebreen, who took home a special award for being a science ambassador.

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