Marymount Academy

The Marymount Academy Music Department Proudly Presents a Spring Pops Concert!

Tuesday June 3rd, 7pm – Marymount Gymnasium – Admission by Donation
Baked goods and light refreshments provided.

Senior Concert Band, Junior Concert Band,
Grade 9-12 Strings Class, and Grade 9 Instrumental Music Class

The entire music department has collaborated to perform an evening of popular movie and TV themes for friends, family, and teachers alike. From the Simpsons to Pink Panther, Jurassic Park to E.T. there’s something for everyone! You’re invited to join us for this celebration of all that the music department has worked hard to accomplished this year including the:

Senior Concert Band who won a Silver at the Northern Ontario Music Festival, a Gold at the Kiwanis Music Festival, Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association award, and a Bronze at the Toronto Music Festival in May on their performance trip.

Junior Concert Band (gr.7-10) who won a Bronze at the Northern Ontario Music Festival, a Gold at the Kiwanis Music Festival, the Lougheed Family and Staff award, and have just returned from their two day performance tour of Sudbury Catholic Schools (thanks again to St. Andrew, St. Raphael, and Immaculate Conception!).

Senior Percussion Ensemble who won a Gold a the Kiwanis Music Festival and the Estelle Scappatura award.

It has truly been a fantastic year for the music program at Marymount and we are thrilled to entertain audiences once again by sharing the music we love!

SCDSB Students Soar at Canada Wide Science Fair

SCDSB regional science fair winners spent 8 days in Windsor competing at the Canada Wide Science Fair, accompanied by teachers Loretta Cuda and Melissa Talevi recently. They competed againstt 463 students from across Canada.
Marymount students Hailey Mackenzie and Dayna Rachkowski won the Resource Award for developing a better way to use natural resources that provide sustainable sources of food, products or prosperity for their project titled “Aquaponics”
Marymount students Alex Millar and Marika Moskalyk won an Excellence Award – Silver Medal for their project titled “Green Gold: Phytoremediation of the Long Lake Gold Mine”.
St. James student Marina Leblanc won an Excellence Award – Bronze Medal for her project titled “Cold Feet”.

Picture: l-r
Marika Moskalyk, Alex Millar, Marina Leblanc, (teacher)Loretta Cuda, (teacher) Melissa Talevi, Dayna Rachkowski, Hailey Mackenzie

Sudbury Catholic Students Serving in the Love of Christ

On Wednesday, May 7th, students and staff at St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School joined with Catholic Schools across the province to celebrate the Eucharist. What made this celebration even more vibrant was that students from St. Charles College, Marymount Academy and Bishop Alexander Carter Catholic Secondary School were also part of the celebration. The theme of Catholic Education Week this year is “Serving in the love of Christ” and in his homily, Fr. Jim Hutton, pastor of St. Patrick Parish, reminded the students and staff of the importance of serving as Jesus did, to not count the cost and to not look for notoriety as we serve our brothers and sisters in Christ. A special message from Pope Francis was also ready to the students as he had sent a letter to be read to all of the Catholic students in Ontario during Catholic Education Week.

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