Marymount Academy

Indigenous Celebration Held

The Diocesan Centre is planning an inclusive day of celebration based on indigenous culture, and would love a big turn out at this event. All students, staff, families and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend! It looks to be a great day planned!

Saturday, May 23, 2015
Fielding Park

5:30 am. Sunrise Ceremony ~

8:00 am. Pancake Breakfast ~

9:00 am. Teaching Carousel – Stations will be set up to be rotated through – 6 stations with 20 minute presentations at each~

a) Children drumming station~

b) Craft – decade of the rosary with four/six colour beads + leather OR~leather bookmark

c) 7 Grandfather teachings

d) Legends – Elders telling the stories~

e) Medicines and Wheel

f) Sacred Elements (fire keeper, tobacco, stones, feather, pipe, drums, smudge, animals) ~

11:00 am. Healing Circle – prayers, scripture (trilingual), blessing~

1:30 pm. Feast – “pot luck”

3:00 pm Travelling Song/Blessing~

For more information and access to resources, please consult:

Regals Fight Cancer Campaign Surpasses Goal

On April 24, 2015, Katherine Boyce, Marymount Academy student and the school’s Catholic Charities Council president asked the entire school student body to stand up if they have ever had anyone in their life that had been affected by cancer. One by one, every single student, staff member, and invited guest stood up. Upon seeing the entire gym full of people on their feet, Boyce spoke to the group, “This is why we stand up to Cancer –this is why Regals Fight Cancer!” The school wrapped up their Regals Fight Cancer campaign with a variety of head-shaving, dying, hair donating, and leg shaving – which was all dependent upon the amount of monies raised to support one of their own – a grade 12 student who is battling cancer, and to give to the Northeastern Ontario Cancer Foundation. In the end, the Regals surpassed their $10,000 goal, raising over 21,000 dollars to support their fellow regal and the NOCF. Heads were shaved and dyed, and the students enjoyed seeing their teachers support both Marymount, and Greater Sudbury community by following through on their promises. Several students and teachers also had their hair cut and donated for wigs for chemotherapy patients who have lost their hair. Lucie Cullen, principal of the school was emotional throughout the presentation. “Katherine Boyce made mention at the beginning of the presentation that Marymount is a family,” Cullen explained. “And in every sense of the word this is true. Today shows how close we are as a school community, a strong Regal family, supporting one of our own as well as giving back to our city. As always this school community makes us incredibly proud!”

Spelling Like a Champ

Marymount Academy student Julia Burns is a spelling bee champ. The grade 8 student recently won the regional spelling bee for the Regional completion for the intermediate division which was held at Tom Davies Square on April 12, 2015. On May 3, Burns will be traveling to Toronto to take part in the provincial spelling bee sponsored by the Spelling Bee of Canada. Burns has always enjoyed spelling and has taken part in previous competitions, but had never come out on top. Encouraged by her teacher Debra Michaud, the Marymount Academy student decided to give it a go and studied the 2015 Study List to prepare for the competition. When asked about the upcoming event, Burns was quick to say she was very nervous but excited to take part. “We are extremely proud of Julia and her efforts,” Lucie Cullen, Marymount Academy principal stated. “She is a delightful girl and we know she will represent Marymount strong in the next stage of the competition, like a true Regal!”

Experiencing Performance Art and the Written Word at MMA

“If you were an animal, what animal would you be?” This was the question that Tanya Neumeyer, a Toronto based poet posed to one of the English classes at Marymount Academy on April 17, 2015. Neumeyer, a published poet and workshop facilitator, was in town to perform at the (W)rites of Poetry event that night, but visited several of the English classes on April 16 and 17 to work with the students to help encourage their development of poetry and their creative process. The students had to immediately react to the question by acting out which animal best reflected their own personalities. Through these types of activities – performance art and written word, Neumyer encouraged the students to break down their own barriers and feel confident to perform in front of others. “It is always such a great experience for our students when Tanya comes to visit and work with them in small groups and classes,” Lucie Cullen, principal of Marymount Academy explained. “It is such a unique, positive experience that is hugely impactful on the students. It really helps give them a voice and expresses their own creativity.”

Regals Fight Cancer

As part of the school’s new fundraising campaign, the students at Marymount Academy are getting a sweet treat. For the month of April, students and staff are raising funds to support the Northern Ontario Cancer Foundation, as well as one of their fellow students who is fighting her own battle with cancer. The school’s cafeteria supplier – Chartwell’s, donated 250 cookies for students to purchase with monies raises to go towards their Regals Fight Cancer fundraiser. Students also had the opportunity to purchase Regals Fight Cancer sweatshirts that they can wear certain days every week for the month of April in place of their regular uniform top.
Marymount Academy students will be out in all areas in Greater Sudbury on the evening of April 23 to do door-to-door canvassing for their fundraising initiative. The school’s fundraising efforts will be announced on the morning of April 24 with several teachers willing to have their hair shaved, dyed cut and donated depending on how much money has been raised. For more information, please call the school at (705) 674-4231.

Marymount Academy Celebrates International Moment of Laughter Day – April 14th

Studies have shown that laughing not only lowers blood pressure and reduces stress hormone levels, it also improves cardiac health, boosts T cells, triggers endorphins, and is a fabulous ab workout! Best of all, laughter has been proven to increase our overall sense of well-being. So, the goal for the day at Marymount Academy on April 14, 2015 was to get people laughing!
The staff posted several hilarious visual jokes around the school, and told jokes between periods over the P.A. system.
At lunch, students who told the librarian a funny joke won a prize. Also, secondary students were invited to join the Improv Club for several “moments of improvised laughter” while elementary students were invited to vote for their funniest teacher.
The winner by a landslide was teacher Debra Michaud! She received a silly headband and a jar of candy along with the coveted Wand of Laughter. Teacher Colin Lapalme came in a distant 2nd and received a bag of leftover candy.
It was a “funderful” day at Marymount Academy. Laughter really is the best medicine.

St. David Catholic School and the Grade 12 Marymount Leadership Class Encourages The Love of Reading in Kindergarten Students

The Full Day Kindergarten class at St. David Catholic Elementary School recently partnered with the grade 12 Leadership Class at Marymount Academy to begin a new reading initiative to support reading achievement for FDK students. The classes first met at the local MacKenzie Street library and now visit each others classrooms twice a month to read together. “I super duper love to read with my buddy, its fun and we get to have name tags that are the same” said Lexus Dumas, FDK student. The initiative will continue until June when the classes will get together for a reading party to celebrate their partnership and reading success.


The (W)rites of Spring Poetry Evening – April 17, 2015

First and foremost, Kim Fahner is a writer. With three published books of poetry under her belt, another almost complete, as well as a new novel in the works, Fahner is immersed in the world of writing. On top of this, Fahner is also a full time teacher at Marymount Academy, where she often brings her world of writing and the appreciation of the written word, her students, and the community together. The result is the event that she has planned for April 17, 2015.

Remembering a similar event back in 1998 put on by Roger Nash, former Greater Sudbury Poet Laureate, and Ontario Representative for the League of Canadian Poets at the time, Fahner thought that a similar event would be a great way for the Sudbury community to celebrate National Poetry Month in April. Contacting some of her poet friends, the (W)rites of Spring Poetry Evening came into being, sponsored by the League of Canadian Poets, The Canada Council for the Arts, and Marymount Academy. The evening will be a celebration of poetry for the community, with five notable Canadian poets slated to perform: Tom Leduc (current Poet Laureate for Greater Sudbury), Roger Nash (past Poet Laureate), Kim Fahner (Sudbury poet), Susan McMaster (Ottawa poet), and Tanya Neumeyer (Toronto performance poet). The theme for this month is poetry that celebrates food, but a wide variety of poems will be performed. People of all ages are invited to attend, and it is Fahner’s hope that the evening is an opportunity for the community to appreciate really great poetry. “When I think back to the event in 1998, I recall a really amazing evening that brought together talented writers and people who really appreciated poetry,” Fahner stated. “ I really believe that art elevates people, so I think this will be a brilliant evening that celebrates the beauty of poetry.”

Books will be for sale, with poets available for signings after the event. Refreshments will also be for sale. Admission is free, but there will be a silver collection with proceeds being directed to support the Poet Laureate’s Young Writers’ Guild at the Greater Sudbury Public Library. For further information, please call Kim Fahner at Marymount Academy at (705) 674-4231.

OAPCE Monthly Newsletter

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting our Sudbury Catholic parents, the SCDSB would like to provide a link to the latest newsletter from The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE). To read this month’s newsletter, click here: Parent Partner Newsletter – Easter 2015

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