Marymount Academy

SCDSB Students Soar at Canada Wide Science Fair

SCDSB regional science fair winners spent 8 days in Windsor competing at the Canada Wide Science Fair, accompanied by teachers Loretta Cuda and Melissa Talevi recently. They competed againstt 463 students from across Canada.
Marymount students Hailey Mackenzie and Dayna Rachkowski won the Resource Award for developing a better way to use natural resources that provide sustainable sources of food, products or prosperity for their project titled “Aquaponics”
Marymount students Alex Millar and Marika Moskalyk won an Excellence Award – Silver Medal for their project titled “Green Gold: Phytoremediation of the Long Lake Gold Mine”.
St. James student Marina Leblanc won an Excellence Award – Bronze Medal for her project titled “Cold Feet”.

Picture: l-r
Marika Moskalyk, Alex Millar, Marina Leblanc, (teacher)Loretta Cuda, (teacher) Melissa Talevi, Dayna Rachkowski, Hailey Mackenzie

Sizzling Science at SCDSB Science Fair

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board would like to congratulate the following students and schools on their excellent achievements at recent Board-Wide Science Fair on March 26. After the judges had completed their task, thirteen projects were selected to advance to the Regional Science Fair to be held at Laurentian University on April 12th, 2014.

Best of luck to all students in the upcoming Regional Science Fair.

Sudbury Catholic Schools, Science Fair Winners

Marymount Academy
Brittany Thorton – Viscosity: Can it Save You?
Julie Burns – Screen Time and Depression
Sophia Zulich – Electronic Lemons
Mackenzie Bruce – Cotton Cruelty
Emelia Kucyk – Video Game for the Blind
Dana Rachkowski and Hailey McDonald – Aquaponics
Alessandra Kempson – the Effects of WiFi

St. Raphael
Billy Moskal – Does Colour Affect Plant Life?
Emma Dionne – Does Music Affect Your Ability to Memorize?
Colton Gobbo – Hoe Do Video Games Affect Your Health?

St. Ben’s
Laura Rinaldi – Magnetic Spring
Enoch Kim and Max Rizzard – Gauging Gauss and Fluctuating Ferrofluid

St. James
Marina Leblanc – Les pieds froids

Learning About Goalball at SCDSB

Students from St. James Elementary School recently participated in the Ontario Blind Sports Association Recreational Tournament. The tournament took place in Brantford Ontarion on May 11th, 2013. In addition, Ontario Blind Sports Association, along with the CNIB, provided goalball clinics at St. James Elementary school, Bishop Alexander Carter Secondary School and Marymount Academy on May 23rd and 24th.
On May 25th, a goalball clinic was held for members of the public at Sudbury Secondary Highshool.
A recreational goalball league is planned to begin operation in the fall of 2013.

Goalball is “the” blind sport, created specifically for the blind. It’s an indoor court game played around the world by the blind and visually impaired. The sport was developed in the late 1940’s and is played internationally up to the world championship and Paralympic Games levels.
Teams of three try to score goals using a ball similar in size to a basketball that is about the same weight as a brick and has a bell inside it. Players attempt to roll or throw the ball across a goal line. The opposing team tries to block it using their arms, legs and bodies. With a ball flying at speeds of 65 km/h or more, it’s exciting!

Games last 20 minutes and are divided into two equal halves of ten minutes each, with a 3 minute half time.
The object of the game is to score goals by rolling a ball (called a Goalball) down a 9m x 18m (volleyball size) court toward the opposing team’s goal, which spans the entire 9m width of the court. Players (1 centre and 2 wingers) attempt to prevent the Goalball from crossing the goal line in a totally sightless condition. A Goalball weight is 1.25kg and contains noise bells and along with raised lines on the court, help to orientate the players.
Therefore, while play is in progress, silence is required in the venue to allow the players to concentrate and react instantly to the ball. However, cheering is permitted after a goal is scored and at the end of a game.
Goalball is a benefit to any education curriculum & sports teams
Goalball introduces able bodied students to living with a disability and functioning without vision in a practical, fun setting. It focuses on what the blind and partially sighted can do rather than on what they cannot do. It continues to break down barriers.
It teaches valuable athletic performance skills such as: communication, non visual focus, team work & kinesthetic awareness, explosive lateral movement.
Goalball is one of the most inclusive sports in the world. All participants must wear eyeshades, so removing the sense of sight for all participants creates a level playing field for all.

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