Marymount Academy

Adventure 2 the Yukon

Marymount Academy’s senior leadership class has created a school-wide challenge to promote outdoor activities and an active lifestyle during the pandemic called Adventure 2 the Yukon. Students and staff are tracking their distance covered by participating in various outdoor activities through our website ( The total distance covered is tallied up, in order to move us (virtually) along the route between Marymount and Whitehorse. The challenge is running from December 21 to March 21. Winter activities that participants can use for tracking include snowshoeing, skiing, walking, hiking, and skating. Through these activities, our goal is to cover the almost 5000km from Marymount to Whitehorse, Yukon. We will hopefully be meeting up with students from F.H. Collins Secondary School in Whitehorse, Yukon, who will be traveling in the opposite direction towards us. During our journey there are 15 virtual geocaches that act as landmarks along the route, where participants get rewards, as well as learning historical facts and significance to that area. The overall goal is to get staff and students active and outdoors, while having fun and, hopefully, surmounting a unique challenge together as a school community!

Empowering Young Women

Showcasing the Importance of an All-Girls Education!

Principal Tenbergen Shares a Message of Hope

January 21, 2021

You are living through an exciting time in history. Yes, we have the pandemic, but yesterday the first woman Vice President in the United States was sworn in. As a student of Marymount Academy, we need to be celebrating this accomplishment. As a former Marymount student myself, I am grateful for the education and support I received while at the school. I believe what has made me who I am and has helped me accomplish what I have in my life is attributed to what I learnt here at Marymount.

I feel that Marymount empowered me to achieve my goals and helped me become the leader and mother that I am today. Looking back on my experience, I feel that I was offered opportunities here that I would not have received at any other school. It is the traditions and beliefs we have in regards to helping students achieve their goals, step out of their comfort zone and try something new (it is in trying something new where we grow) and providing opportunities to do outreach into the community that has shaped me. Your teachers here have the same belief about you. The same belief that Kamala’s mom had about her. Kamala has said “I was raised by a mother who said to me all the time, ‘Kamala, you may be the first to do many things – make sure you’re not the last’”. I want to take this opportunity to say the same to you. Set those goals and never give up. There will always be obstacles, but it is how you handle these obstacles and overcome them that will help you grow and become stronger. Today I encourage each of you to really think of how Marymount Academy has shaped you into the strong young women you are.

How Girls Learn

February 19, 2021

At Marymount Academy, our teachers know how girls learn. Research shows that girls learn differently than boys. Since 1956, the teachers at Marymount Academy have been putting these strategies into practice and helping girls become comfortable and confident being their true self. An all-girls environment means that our students can take risks in their thoughts and ideas. They are not afraid to speak their ideas because each classroom has established a supportive environment.

Establishing a girl-centric educational setting means that a collaborative and encouraging community has been created in the school as well as each classroom. We have girls at the center of what we do. From curricular decisions to our athletics and community involvement. The interests of the girls always comes first. We help our students find their voice and passions and to action it. Our teachers encourage risk-taking while providing individual support to each student.

Ultimately, our goal is to give girls confidence, skills and values that they can use wherever they go when they graduate from our school. Our graduates go on to be strong, independent, confident women in the workplace and within the community. There are many women leaders within the Sudbury community who will attest to how Marymount helped develop their confidence, which supported them in their achievements and reaching their potential and dreams.

March 8, 2021

Today is international Women’s Day.  A day to not only celebrate the achievements of women, but to raise awareness about women’s equality.   International Women’s Day was adopted by the United Nations in 1975 and is now celebrated around the world.  However, this day dates back to 1911 where women gathered in just four countries to bring awareness to the inequalities of women and started a call to action. 

At Marymount, we have a tradition of having girls take center stage.  We create an environment where they can express themselves freely and frequently and develop a passion in an area that interests them.  It is an environment where young girls are not afraid to share their thoughts and positions on a topic.  They are offered leadership opportunities and we empower the girls to be leaders in the school and greater community.  They work as a team and develop their confidence, compassion and resilience. 

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is “Choose to Challenge”.  Change comes from challenge.  The theme encourages us to continue to challenge inequality, stereotypes and biases so that we can help make a more inclusive world.  “Plan International Canada has released new data showing little progress has been made towards achieving gender equality with 70% of women surveyed saying they have experienced some form of inequality in their lifetime, either due to discrimination or gen gender stereotypes” (https://plancanada/ca/iwd). Today is a day that gives us the opportunity to reflect on the progress we have made achieving gender equality; but we still have more work to do. 

COVID-19 has identified gaps in our society as well and has affected those who are already marginalized and struggling.  From layoff, lack of childcare and an increase in the rates of domestic violence, COVID 19 has shown how women, in particular, have been deeply impacted by this pandemic.  We must continue to celebrate women and girls and renew the discussion of gender equity post COVID 19.  Today I encourage all girls to reflect on and honour powerful women in their life and who inspires them, as they become our strong, future leaders of tomorrow.

e-Learning Summer School For Secondary


The Sudbury Catholic District School Board is proud to announce that we will be providing several new summer learning opportunities this year. We are now accepting registration for our Summer e-Learning Courses for secondary students. There will be several other learning opportunities offered this summer through the school board; this is just the first group of learning opportunities available.

Summer e-Learning Courses for Secondary Students

Summer e-Learning courses are full-credit courses available to students who are currently registered in grades 9-12. These courses are taught by qualified Ontario Teachers across the province. These courses are fully online and typically consist of a blend of online lessons and independent work. Students who are successful in a summer e-Learning course typically commit to working 4-6 hours a day from Monday-Friday for the 4 weeks that the summer course is offered. Secondary Summer e-Learning courses cover the same range of content that is typically covered during a full semester course in a condensed timeline.

Courses are offered in English, Math, Religion, Science, Social Studies, and the Humanities for students currently in grades 9-12.

The Sudbury Catholic District School board will be offering Grade 11 Religion (HRT3M), Grade 12 Religion (HRE4M), and Careers/Civics (CHV2O/GLC2O). Co-op may also be available in some circumstances.

Students must have the prerequisites to register for a course over the summer. For more information about specific courses, please contact the guidance contact at your school:

St. Charles College-
St. Benedict CSS-
Bishop Alexander Carter-
Marymount Academy-
St. Albert Learning Centre

To register for a summer course, please fill in the registration form:

You will need to log in before you can view this form. Please log in using your Sudbury Catholic Username and Password.

Username: (ex:
Password: Same as the vLE, MS Teams or Google Classroom

St. Charles College – Summer School Registration 2020
St. Benedict CSS- Summer School Registration 2020
Bishop Alexander Carter- Summer School Registration 2020
Marymount Academy- Summer School Registration 2020
St. Albert Learning Centre- Summer School Registration 2020

Marymount Students Prove They Have Warm Hearts!

Students at Marymount Academy braved the cold temperatures to participate in the Warm Hearts for Warm Soup initiative this month. The students and staff covered Elgin Street and formed a human chain to pass over 200 containers of soup to the Samartian Centre to help feed those in need.

“What a fantastic experience for Marymount Academy to come together with members of the downtown businesses to serve the most vulnerable members of our community. It was great to see all staff and students living out the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations!” said Principal Lori Holden.

“I am so happy that I was able to participate in this special event. I feel so good about helping others!” said Anna Weiler Grade 12 student.

Parent Council representative Shannon Morin was also thrilled to participate! “ I was honored to be part of the Warm Soup for Warm Hearts campaign. I am looking forward to participating again next year.”

Students Participate in First Ever SCDSB Model UN Conference

Groups of students sit in their respective country seats

Secondary students from all four
secondary schools were able to participate in the first ever SCDSB Model UN
Conference hosted at St. Charles College. The event was an opportunity for
local and international students to come together and unpack an issue from an
international perspective.

Approximately 75 students participated
in this first-ever event! Students worked to find possible solutions within the
United Nations framework to resolve the global human trafficking crisis. The
event leveraged diversity and encouraged participants to develop global
citizenship skills!

Students were awarded in the following

Best Delegates: Liam Couisneau (St. Charles College) and Rosaria Nero (St. Benedict)

Honourable mentions: Madison Penrose (Bishop Alexander Carter) and Amy Godin (Marymount Academy)

Best international delegates: Ryan Dinh (St. Charles College) and Zihao Wang (St. Benedict)

to all participating students!

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