Marymount Academy

Marymount Academy Holds Fundraiser for NOFCC 

In September, Marymount Academy orchestrated a school-wide walk/fundraiser, which supported two remarkable organizations: Northern Ontario Families with Cancer (NOFCC) and the Terry Fox Foundation. Their dedication to these causes was further inspired by their fellow student Lily, currently undergoing a battle against leukemia at Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto. Lily’s story, which was shared with the school community, added a deeply personal touch to the event and fostered a sense of unity and camaraderie among Marymount’s school community.

Donations were raised throughout the week of Sept. 25 – 29th. On Thursday, October 26, the culmination of their efforts was marked with a cheque presentation. A sum of $1,250 was donated to Northern Ontario Families with Cancer (NOFCC), a testament to the school’s commitment to supporting families facing the challenges of cancer. In addition, a $100 contribution was made to the Terry Fox Foundation, underlining their commitment to the enduring legacy of Terry Fox’s courageous journey.

Bishop Student Appointed to Student Trustee at Sudbury Catholic Schools 

Grade 10 Bishop Alexander Carter C.S.S. student Julia Parenteau has been appointed as the newest Sudbury Catholic District School Board Student Trustee for the 2023-2025 terms. The appointment took place at the April 18, 2023 Board meeting. Julia will join fellow Student Trustee Catena Hayden beginning August 1, 2023. 

Julia is a devoted leader both on her school’s Student Council and on the Student Senate. Seen as an active member of the community, Julia spends much of her time volunteering at her local church and serving as a member of the Saint Vincent de Paul Committee. She has also devoted time to serving food to veterans and their families and volunteering at various events for the Maison Sudbury Hospice. 

Julia is strong advocate for student voice and believes it is a necessary for student development and growth. She hopes to bring more attention to mental health and well-being within schools and create resources to help students and school environments navigate appropriate solutions. 

“I believe it’s important for students to be involved in their education because, with an absence of involvement, their lives and our school communities would lack growth. When a student is involved in their education, they ask questions and make a point to self-assess their progress and attitude towards school. It’s these kinds of students who not only better themselves but also their school environment because they set examples and show good habits that other students may feel they need to pick up on,” said Julia Parenteau. 

“Julia is a passionate and dedicated individual. Her commitment to bettering our school system and helping her fellow students is inspring not only to her peers but to us as well. We look forward to working alongside her, as we continue to champion Student Voice at the Board table ,” said Michael Bellmore, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees. 

Sudbury Catholic Students Excel at Sudbury Regional Science Fair 

 16 student projects from the Sudbury Catholic District School Board were on display during the Sudbury Regional Science Fair on April 1, 2023. Subjects ranged from engineering and coding to environmental initiatives and electricity. The following student projects received awards: 

St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School 

  • Olaterere Awosik, “Klean” The Automatic Cleaning Robot
  • Award: Honourable Mention – Junior Engineering 
  • Constantinos Urso & Thomas Reich, EZ-Drain
  • Awards: Third Place – Junior Engineering and the Bharti School of Engineering and Computer Science Engineering Award 

Marymount Academy 

  • Victoria Leigh, Indoor Air Quality
  • Awards: First Place – Junior Physical Sciences, Sanofi Biogenius Canada Award and Canada Wide Science Fair Winner 
  • Maggie Polischuk, The Breakaway Steering Wheel
  • Awards: Bharti School of Engineering and Computer Science Engineering Award, Students’ Choice Award and Canada Wide Science Fair Winner 

Both Victoria Leigh and Maggie Polischuk will be moving on to the Canada Wide Science Fair which will take place in May 2023 in Edmonton. 

“Everyone who participated put in so much effort towards the Regional Fair – winning these awards at the fair was so unexpected. Receiving an invitation to attend the national fair is very exciting and I am looking forward to attending,” said Victoria Leigh. 

“For me it was more fun than work because I picked a topic that I enjoyed learning about. Meeting people that have the same interests as me has been amazing. I look forward to representing my school and the Board at the Canada wide Science Fair next month!” Maggie Polischuk. 

In addition, St. Benedict C.S.S Science teacher Loretta Cuda received the Ambassador of Science Award. This award is given to someone who has contributed to science programming over the years by facilitating and encouraging teachers and students to participate in project-based learning opportunities, including annual science fairs. 

“It is an honour to have been presented the Sudbury Regional Science Fair Ambassador of Science Award. I have been a member of the Sudbury Regional Science Fair for ten years as the Activities Chair and also a member of Teacher Resources. I have had the opportunity to attend four Canada Wide Science Fairs, which has taught me the importance of inquiry-based learning; something that I always implement into my classroom. I am a firm believer in allowing students to engage directly in their learning and explore the answers to their scientific inquiries through hands-on opportunities,” said Loretta Cuda. 

The Canada Wide Science Fair will take place from May 14-May 19, 2023, in Edmonton, Alberta. All Sudbury Catholic projects can be viewed at the following link: 

Marymount Academy Student Receives Outstanding Youth Award for Her Work with OSAID

Morgan Sheppard, Grade 12 student at Marymount Academy has received the Outstanding Youth Award which was presented to her at the Committee Of Youth Officers of Ontario (COYO) Conference on February 24, 2023. 

The Outstanding Youth Award is given to those aged 12-25 for their outstanding interaction with youth in their community. This recipient makes a positive difference in their community through advocacy and actionable work focused on youth issues. The award is given out annually at the COYO Conference in Niagara Falls. 

Morgan has been involved with Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving (OSAID) both at the local and provincial level for two years. Currently she is the only member of OSAID in Sudbury who is part of the youth advisory team for Ontario. She is incredibly passionate about the cause and supporting her local community. In addition to her work with OSAID, Morgan is also a member of the Student Senate at the Sudbury Catholic District School Board and is heavily involved in various charity events and fundraisers at Marymount Academy. 

Morgan is proud of the work she has accomplished and is thrilled to be a recipient of this year’s Outstanding Youth Award. 

“I am incredibly honoured to have received the Outstanding Youth Award at the 2023 COYO Conference and would like to extend my thanks to the Committee of Youth Officers as well as Matt Evans and everyone else on the OSAID team!” she exclaimed. 

“Morgan is very passionate about supporting this organization and its cause – and sending the important message to her fellow youth that driving impaired, high or distracted can have a serious impact on their future,” said Cassandra Tenbergen, Principal of Marymount Academy. 

For more information about the Committee of Youth Officers of Ontario and the Outstanding Youth Award, please visit

Sudbury Catholic Schools Host Annual Science Fair

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board held their annual Science Fair on February 28, 2023, at St. Charles College. The fair was open to Grade 7 and 8 students. 

The winners of this year’s Science Fair were as follows:

First Place/Best in Fair

  • Indoor Air Quality, Victoria Leigh, Marymount Academy
  • Do Different Music genres effect reading? Lila Ricker, Marymount Academy

Second Place

  • La Chaleur Contre le sol, Mila Kidd and Ayla Falcioni, Marymount Academy

Third Place

  • Klean Machine, Olaterere Awosika, St. Benedict C.S.S
  • EZ-Drain, Thomas Reich and Costantinos Urso, St. Benedict C.S.S
  • Sèche mains germé, Leah Serre et Paytyn Farmer, Marymount Academy
  • La croissance des plantes, Samantha Chow, Marymount Academy
  • Reveillez-vous, Leah Diotte, Marymount Academy

Most Creative

  • Steer Clear: The Breakaway Steering Wheel, Maggie Polischuk, Marymount Academy
  • Lequel est moin sale? Aven Thompson, Marymount Academy
  • Lumière sans électricité: Ampoule bouteille solaire, Megan Leclair, Marymount AcademySont les masques nos ennemis? Abigail Debruyn, Marymount Academy
  • 15 minutes de cardio, Kiana Smith et Fae Flanagan, Marymount Academy

Best Presentation

  • Can climate change ruin our ski hills for good? Annabelle Richardson et Isabella Palladino, Marymount Academy
  • Spherification, Lua Schiewek and Louisse Apilan, Marymount Academy
  • Tok Tok: Germes sur les portes… Mia Dufresne, Marymount Academy

All projects listed above will proceed to the Sudbury Regional Science Fair on April 1 and 2, 2023 at Laurentian University.

Louise Franklin, Superintendent of School Effectiveness with the Sudbury Catholic District School Board said that the Fair was a fantastic way to encourage students to participate in science-based activities on a large scale.  

“Our Science Fair offers students the opportunity to participate in a formal judging process alongside their peers. With an emphasis on innovation and scientific inquiry, the Science Fair allows students to develop projects through critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity. A great deal of time and commitment went into these projects and all students should be extremely proud of their efforts. We would like to thank the members of the Science Fair Committee, Chris Polischuk, Martha Facchini, and Loretta Cuda, for their dedication to providing such opportunities for students at Sudbury Catholic. We are excited to see what the selected students will accomplish at the Regional Science Fair,” she said.

2021-22 Director’s Annual Report

We are very pleased to present the Director of Education’s Annual Report for the 2021-2022 school year

We thank our Board of Trustees, Senior Administration, staff, students, families, volunteers, community partners, and our parishes for their continued support and commitment to Sudbury Catholic. Together we are providing a caring, progressive, high quality Catholic school system that is nurturing our students – mind, body, and spirit.

SCDSB Launches Annual Christmas Card Artwork Contest

Starting Nov. 1st, the Sudbury Catholic District School Board will be looking for submissions for our annual Christmas card artwork contest. 

Year after year, we have the pleasure of seeing the creativity and imagination of our students flourish through this annual tradition and we are excited to see what beautiful artwork 2022 will bring forward.

Submissions will be accepted until November 18, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.

Please see the attached poster for details.

Sudbury Catholic Schools Give Back to the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee

Staff and students at the Sudbury Catholic District School Board raised $1,923.10 to support the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee. Leaves of Change: Binaakwe Giizis is a fundraiser which took place on October 14, 2022, to promote environmental stewardship.

The goal of the fundraiser is to engage in civic and environmental responsibility by bringing attention to climate change and better understand how we can protect the earth for future generations. Throughout the day and the month of October, students and staff are encouraged to make more sustainable efforts. This includes cleaning green spaces by picking up trash and litter, recycling, using a reusable water bottle and reducing day to day waste, where possible. 

In addition, October is known as Binaakwe Giizis – Moon of Falling Leaves. The fundraiser also served as an educational opportunity to understand, acknowledge, and respect Indigenous perspectives on caring for Mother Earth (Shkagamik Kwe). 

“As a school board, it is our responsibility to create opportunities that teach the importance of protecting the earth for future generations.Environmental degradation affects the health and well-being of all peoples of North America and the world in many ways. By participating in this fundraiser, and the many planned activities, we help our community engage in volunteerism and create hope through environmental restoration,” said Joanne Bénard, Director of Education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. 

Five Sudbury Catholic District School Board Students Will Advance to the Canada Wide Science Fair!

The Sudbury Regional Science Fair, which took place virtually during March 21st – April 3rd, 2022, is a meaningful learning experience where Sudbury’s four School Boards, can provide opportunities to students from Grades 7-12 to show case their knowledge in different areas of science. Sudbury Catholic District School Board was grateful to participate once again in the Regional Science Fair and allow our students to enjoy hands-on learning experiences by extending their discovery in biology, chemistry, technology, and other areas.

This year approximately 15 projects represented the Board in the Regional Science Fair. The number of project topics was diverse again this year, with exciting subjects ranging from “Theoretical Gravity Control”, “Hacking an Air-Gapped Computer”, Creating a “Self-Hitting Hammer,” and more. We want to thank our judges and educators for guiding our students and continually finding new opportunities for hands-on learning and growth.

MMA Student, Kate Bouchard – 2022 Best In Fair Winner!

Following the Fair, Sudbury Catholic Schools, students, and families were invited to attend a virtual celebration organized by the Sudbury Regional Science Fair on April 10th, 2022. This virtual celebration highlighted the winners of divisional awards, special awards and celebrated students’ achievements. At this celebration, we are pleased to announce that Sudbury Catholic students collected ten awards, including Best of Fair which was presented to Kate Bouchard, a student from Marymount Academy for her project, “Go With The Flow“. We are also thrilled to announce that in addition to Kate’s amazing project , 4 other projects submitted by SCDSB Students have also been selected to advance to the Canada-Wide Science Fair (CWSF) taking place on May 16th, 2022, in Moncton, New Brunswick.

The students and projects that will advance to the Canada Wide Science Fair include the following: 

“Each year, our students present unique and creative science fair projects. This year was certainly no exception,” said Joanne Bénard, Director of Education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. “We are very excited to see the number of participants continue to grow, and we are proud of our students who represented us incredibly well again. We thank our judges and our educators for guiding students and continually finding new opportunities for hands-on learning and growth. We wish the students who are moving on to the 2022 Canada-Wide Science Fair the best of luck!” 

 “Science Fair was so much fun, and I think it’s because I was passionate about my topic.” Says Best in Fair Winner and CWSF participant, Kate Bouchard. “I chose something that I was interested in and genuinely wanted to learn more about. It helped me be more engaged, and because I was interested in what I was learning, I felt like I could explain it better and put forth more effort in making it better. I am really looking forward to be a part of the CWSF in May!” 

Some of MMA’s Regional Science Fair students stop and smile with their regional science fair medals! (Middle left Best in Fair Winner – Kate Bouchard)

Dylan Nelson, a Grade 8 student from St. Benedict, will also be attending the Canada Wide Science Fair with his unique project where he created a Self-Hitting Hammer. This idea was inspired by his passion for building things and from wanting to help his grandmother.

“I was trying to think of something inventive to do. I wanted to create something new, and I realized that I like building things, so I wanted to make a new type of hammer that would allow someone who cannot hammer a nail with a normal hammer still perform that task. My experience was fun because I spent time with grandpa, who helped me construct it, and I was able to make my project about making something that would help my grandma.”

Pictured is St. Benedict Student and Regional Science Fair Honouree Dylan accepting his award from the SCDSB Director of Education, Joanne Bénard and Principal of St. Benedict, Laura Kuzenko.

Overall, we are pleased to celebrate the contributions and participation of all our schools and students in this meaningful learning opportunity. We would like to end our post by congratulating all students, educators, and schools on their participation and effort in making the 2022 Science Fair a success! The ten project winners included projects from Marymount Academy, projects from St. Benedict and one project from St. Charles College. 

Please visit the following link below to view all the wonderful projects brought forward by Sudbury Catholic Students this year.  

Sudbury Catholic Science Fair Projects: LINK

Picture Gallery

Sudbury Catholic Schools Appoints Second Student Trustee for the 2022 – 2024 term

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Catena Hayden as a Student Trustee for the 2022-2024 term. Catena is a Grade 10 student at Marymount Academy and joins her fellow Student Trustee Jack Gouchie. Together, they will bring forward student voice at the Board table. 

Catena is an active community member at Marymount Academy. Since 2018, Catena has been a member of the Student Administrative Council (SAC) and enjoys collaborating with her peers and teachers to organize spirit days and fundraisers to enhance the educational experience for all.  She is passionate about helping others and wants to make a difference in her community by inspiring students to get involved in intiatives that deepen their learning and demonstrate service to others. This past year, Catena joined the Sudbury Catholic Student Senate to connect with fellow secondary students in SCDSB’s four secondary schools to help promote campaigns such as Toonies for Tuition, Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving, and the Can Tab Drive. Catena is eager to represent the voice of students at the board table. 

In addition to being a devoted student and committed to academic excellence, she is also proud to be in the French Immersion Program and appreciates diverse cultures. Upon her secondary graduation, she aspires to become an aerospace engineer and will start completing the Architecture and Engineering Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) offered through Marymount Academy in the Fall 2022. 

While away from school, Catena practices her faith as an active member of her Catholic Community at Our Lady of Hope Parish. In addition, Catena volunteers her time to help causes, like the fundraiser for Ukraine at Immaculate Conception.

I am honoured that I was selected to serve as Student Trustee for the next two years. I am excited to use this opportunity to grow as a leader, share my ideas, and help represent students from all Sudbury Catholic schools at the Board table.” – Catena Hayden, Student Trustee.

Sudbury Catholic District School Board welcomes Catena Haden as our second Student Trustee,” said Michael Bellmore, Chairperson of the Board of Trustees at the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. “Catena is an exceptional student and has demonstrated an impressive commitment to her school and community. We have great faith she will make all voices heard and look forward to her many contributions throughout her term at the Board table.

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