Marymount Academy

SCDSB Hosts Third Annual Turning Points Essay Awards Ceremony

Students, parents, teachers and invited guests gathered at the Sudbury Catholic District Board office on May 9, 2012 to take part in the SCDSB’s third annual Turning Points Essay Contest Awards ceremony. This essay contest is an initiative which stems from the Learning Partnership which is an organization that champions a strong public education system to deliver innovative programs, credible research, policy initiatives, executive leadership and public engagement across Canada. Turning Points is a character development and literacy program that allows students to reflect on their fundamental values and, through a process of self-reflection and dialogue, write a narrative essay about a significant event, or turning point in their lives. As it is the third year, student participation has continued to grow as teachers have continued to encourage their involvement with this rewarding program. The secondary 
students that took part in this contest and authored the winning essays were awarded plaques, a copy of the publication, as well as monetary awards at Wednesday night’s celebration.
 The students were honoured for their efforts and several students had the opportunity to read their essays allowed. The audience was visibly moved by these emotional accounts and several of the teachers involved spoke of the courage and strength of their students to be able to write such heart-felt accounts of their experiences. 
Allison Cameron, a Marymount English teacher was the master of ceremonies at this event and was visibly moved after the students read aloud their essays. “Even after being involved with this initiative for three years, I am never really prepared for the poignant words our students have written and shared with others,” Cameron stated. “The courage of these students to express their deepest feelings and emotions about their life’s turning point is so powerful – for the student, and their families.” Catherine McCullough, Director of Education for the Board echoed Cameron’s sentiments. “I am thrilled that the this program once again met with such success, and am so honoured that our students have courageously shared their most personal and meaningful life experiences. We are certainly overwhelmed by their talent and honesty involved in this writing experience.”

 Sudbury Catholic Students to Take Part in Walk for a Second Chance- April 28

Student from all four Sudbury Catholic Secondary Schools will be taking part in the Irish Heritage Club of Sudbury’s Walk for a Second Chance on April 28th, 2012.  This walk is organized to support organ donation awareness and the Gift of Life which is an initiative that is fully supported by the Sudbury Catholic District School Board and its students.  On December 13, 2010, the Board launched its own challenge to the Greater City of Sudbury to be the first city in the province of Ontario to have 50% or more of its residents be registered organ and tissue donors, and have continued to spread the word to schools and the community about the importance of organ donation. Catherine McCullough, SCDSB Director of Education is very proud of Sudbury for embracing this initiative. “I am very proud of our Board for partnering with the Trillium Gift of Life Network for this very important initiative, and I encourage the entire community to join us in this challenge – to not only have Sudbury reach or even surpass the 50% registration for city-wide donation in Ontario, but more importantly, to recognize that there is no greater gift than the gift of life.”

David Dibrina, Sudbury Catholic Student Trustee, has been working with the Irish Heritage Club of Sudbury to continue to keep organ donation awareness a priority with students.  “Organ donation is so important in saving the lives of others,” Dibrina stated.  “It truly is one of the most selfless acts that we can do that can positively impact so many people.  Students need to make sure they are registered ( and talk to their families so that they know what their wishes are.”

The walk will take place on Saturday, April 28, 2012 at 10:30 a.m. at the Bell Park Amphitheatre, Sudbury.

This is a walk for organ donation awareness and there are no monetary pledges.

For more information, please call (705)566-1328, or contact David Dibrina at St. Charles College at (705)566-9605.

Sudbury Catholic’s Third Annual Outdoor Adventure Race a Smashing Success!

Despite the rainy weather, it was a spectacular day for the third annual Sudbury Catholic Outdoor Adventure Race in Killarney on June 8, 2011. Students from all four of the Board’s secondary schools entered teams to take part in a four part outdoor race which included biking, canoeing, orienteering and a mystery challenge which involved a first aid rescue exercise. A total of fifteen teams with three students per team participated and, although rain-soaked for part of the race, managed to keep smiles on their faces throughout the entire challenge. The past two years has seen St. Charles College and then St. Benedict take home the coveted banner, and this year St. Charles managed to win back the first place spot. A team from St. Benedict won in terms of time, however, due to a small mistake in the orienteering section, they were given a 5 minute penalty which put the St. Charles team consisting of Adam McKibbon (Grade 12), Michael Wandziak (Grade 11) and Jonah Lynott (Grade 11) in first place. Awards were also given out for first place for a co-ed team as well as an all-girls team.

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