Marymount Academy

Indigenous Celebration Held

The Diocesan Centre is planning an inclusive day of celebration based on indigenous culture, and would love a big turn out at this event. All students, staff, families and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend! It looks to be a great day planned!

Saturday, May 23, 2015
Fielding Park

5:30 am. Sunrise Ceremony ~

8:00 am. Pancake Breakfast ~

9:00 am. Teaching Carousel – Stations will be set up to be rotated through – 6 stations with 20 minute presentations at each~

a) Children drumming station~

b) Craft – decade of the rosary with four/six colour beads + leather OR~leather bookmark

c) 7 Grandfather teachings

d) Legends – Elders telling the stories~

e) Medicines and Wheel

f) Sacred Elements (fire keeper, tobacco, stones, feather, pipe, drums, smudge, animals) ~

11:00 am. Healing Circle – prayers, scripture (trilingual), blessing~

1:30 pm. Feast – “pot luck”

3:00 pm Travelling Song/Blessing~

For more information and access to resources, please consult:

OAPCE Monthly Newsletter

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting our Sudbury Catholic parents, the SCDSB would like to provide a link to the latest newsletter from The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE). To read this month’s newsletter, click here: Parent Partner Newsletter – Easter 2015

Secondary Student Leaders Participate in Equity Workshops

From October 21 to October 24, guest speakers from the Harmony Movement group held workshops for student leaders from all of our secondary schools to talk about diversity and equity in the Sudbury Catholic District School Board.

Biju Pappachan and Caitlin Wood led the 40 students through many activities and discussions about such topics as bullying, racism and sexism. The students were engaged as they examined issues surrounding stereotypes and prejudice and to hear about how many biased images bombard us regularly in the media.

“It’s changed my perspective on how to look at different people of different genders and races,” said St. Benedict student Laura Rinaldi.

The students gained a much deeper appreciation for the privileges that they enjoy in our society, whether it’s gender, socioeconomic status, culture or in other ways. It made them more empathetic toward those who don’t necessarily wake up with the same abilities. They were taught that with privilege comes the responsibility to make our world more equitable through examples of student leadership like the pink shirt day anti-bullying movement.

The students who attended the workshops now feel empowered to go back to their schools and work to make their peers more aware of some of the issues that were discussed.

St. Benedict student Breana Mastroianni said, “I really learned how to stand up and take a stand againstt discrimination.”

Superintendent of School Effectiveness, Rossella Bagnato, explained the importance of initiatives like this one. “We can’t predict the future but we can help shape it and a good place to start is with the students. The Harmony Movement and the equity workshop have provided us with a great starting point.”

Congratulations to these future leaders and we look forward to being a part of what you bring back to our schools.

St. Charles College To Host University Information Program

St. Charles College will host representatives from all of 21 of Ontario’s universities on Thursday, October 2, 2014 from 7:00 – 9:00pm. The University Information Program (UIP) is free and all secondary school students and their parents/guardians are welcome to attend.

Students who are considering university will be able to speak to university representatives and learn more about different admission requirements, scholarships, residence the application process, campus life and much more. The University Information Program is designed to help graduating students make an informed decision before they apply to universities in January 2015.

“We are proud to offer this information program for students and parents in our community,” says St. Charles College Program Lead of Guidance Silvia Faggioni. “ It is important that students make informed decisions regarding their future. This is a perfect opportunity to explore universities across Ontario, meet representatives and ask questions – all while not having to leave Sudbury.”

At this event, students and their parents/guardians will be able to attend three 30-minute university presentations. A question and answer period will follow. After the presentations, students will be able to visit all Ontario university representatives for the remainder of the evening.

Sudbury Catholic Students Serving in the Love of Christ

On Wednesday, May 7th, students and staff at St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School joined with Catholic Schools across the province to celebrate the Eucharist. What made this celebration even more vibrant was that students from St. Charles College, Marymount Academy and Bishop Alexander Carter Catholic Secondary School were also part of the celebration. The theme of Catholic Education Week this year is “Serving in the love of Christ” and in his homily, Fr. Jim Hutton, pastor of St. Patrick Parish, reminded the students and staff of the importance of serving as Jesus did, to not count the cost and to not look for notoriety as we serve our brothers and sisters in Christ. A special message from Pope Francis was also ready to the students as he had sent a letter to be read to all of the Catholic students in Ontario during Catholic Education Week.

Parent Survey:  Share Your Views about Careers in the Skilled Trades

The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum is conducting a national survey with parents and we want to hear from you!

We are interested in your opinions on careers in the skilled trades and your approaches to career planning with your child.  Your views will shape future career awareness programs and resources so they will better meet your children’s needs as they explore potential careers.

To be eligible for this survey, you must have a child under the age of 24.  If you have more than one child, complete the survey only thinking about the child who most recently had his or her birthday.  You may only do the survey once.

The results are anonymous.  The survey will take 10 minutes to complete. 

All surveys must be complete by February 28th, 2014.

Take the survey now

The Canadian Apprenticeship Forum is a non-profit organization that promotes apprenticeship training.  We share information about careers in the skilled trades with youth and parents across the country by distributing career resources and conducting information workshops on apprenticeship. 

For more information about the survey or the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum contact Emily Arrowsmith, Project Manager (t) 613-235-4004 ext. 201; or by email at

Explore Carpentry Day for Girls

On November 28th, December 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, female students from Bishop Alexander Carter, Marymount Academy, St. Benedict Elementary and St. Charles College participated in an “Explore Carpentry Day” at the Local 2486 United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America Training Centre located in Azilda. A great time was had by all. In the morning the girls were introduced to the trade by Cindy Hykin and Rhéal Gélinas, both journeypersons and members of local 2486. After a question and answer period the girls were outfitted with safety apparel including safety glasses, hard hats and safety footwear. Each girl also sported a fashionable pink T-shirt and a carpenter’s tool belt complete with hammer. The girls were divided into teams to frame two walls. Under the supervision of Cindy and Rhéal, they measured, cut, hammered and framed one wall with a window opening and a second regular wall.

Once framing of the two walls was complete they continued on to drywall the interior. After a full day of measuring, cutting and swinging of the hammer, the girls felt proud of their accomplishments and truly appreciated a glimpse into the carpentry trade. This event was organized in partnership with Tom Cardinal Union co-ordinator with Local 2486 United Brotherhood of Carpenters & Joiners of America and Michel Grandmont co-ordinator with the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program.

St. Charles College Hosts University Information Program – October 10

St. Charles College will host representatives from all of 21 of Ontario’s universities on Thursday, October 10, 2013 from 6:30 pm to 8:30pm. The University Information Program (UIP) is free and all secondary school students and their parents/guardians are welcome to attend.

Students who are considering university will be able to speak to university representatives and learn more about different admission requirements, scholarships, residence the application process, campus life and much more. The University Information Program is designed to help graduating students make an informed decision before they apply to universities in January 2014.

“ We are proud to offer this information program for students and parents in our community,” says St. Charles College Program Lead of Guidance Silvia Faggioni. “ It is important that students make informed decisions regarding their future. This is a perfect opportunity to explore universities across Ontario, meet representatives and ask questions – all while not having to leave Sudbury.”

At this event, students and their parents/guardians will be able to attend three 30-minute university presentations. A question and answer period will follow. After the presentations, students will be able to visit all Ontario university representatives for the remainder of the evening.

On Your Mark, Get Set… Let the Winter Outdoor Adventure Race Begin!

The scene was set for a perfect Winter Outdoor Adventure Race on Tuesday, February 26, 2013. The sky was clear, the temperature was above zero – and most importantly, there was a lot of snow in Killarney. Compared to past years, this year’s event had more than enough snow for organizer and outdoor education teacher for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, Brad Blackwell, to really focus the adventure race activities on true Northern Ontario winter activities.

“This was our third year running the Winter Outdoor adventure race – and, as compared to year’s past, the abundance of snow allowed us to set up some true northern outdoor programming as part of the race,” Blackwell said. “We wanted to ensure that all of the students taking part got a real feel for adventures in the snow, and how to not only survive it, but excel and have fun in it!”

This year’s race participants included secondary students from St. Charles College, St. Benedict and Marymount Academy. There were fifteen teams of three and each team had to take part in every leg of the race. Upon arrival in Killarney, the students were given race packets and instructions, and were quickly directed to the outdoor start location. Once the rules were established and all safety aspects reviewed, the students lined up to begin the first part of a seven-part challenge. The entire race included a strategic stick toss, a snow-pile build (a scaled-down version of a quinzee), a 1.13 km sprint, a 750 run in snowshoes, a Frisbee target toss, a strategic orienteering challenge and a fire-lighting trial.

The snowshoe run, the orienteering challenge and the fire-lighting components proved to be the most difficult part of the race for the participants. The orienteering section was tricky as any wrong answers on their check sheet resulted in penalties of an additional five minutes added on to their final time at the finish line. Once the snowshoes were on, they had to stay on throughout the orienteering section of the race and the students were only able to remove them once they began their fire challenge. With the fire challenge, the students were given minimal materials to start their fire, and the ultimate goal was to get a metal can of water to come to a complete boil before sprinting to the finish line. In order to get additional materials for the fire, the students had to do a different number of laps around a section of the forest depending on what materials were needed – whether it be more kindling, extra matches, etc.

In the end, one of the teams from St. Benedict was the first to cross the finish line and, despite some errors during the orienteering challenge, they beat the next team by a mere 25 seconds. This team consisted of Kyle Herbert (grade 10), Doug Pitfield (grade 12) and Kayla Huchenski (grade 12). Not only did the first place team take home the banner for their school, but were also each awarded a brand new set of Tubbs snowshoes that were generously donated to the race by the Tubbs Snowshoe Company. What happened after the team was presented with their prize, speaks volumes about the outstanding character of the Sudbury Catholic students. Both Kyle Herbert and Doug Pitfield thanked the organizers for their prize, but as their families are fortunate to already own several pairs, decided to donate the snowshoes back to their school to support the outdoor education program at St. Benedict. “This most generous gesture by these two students really capped off what was already a truly exceptional day,” Blackwell stated. “These students poured their heart and soul into this competition, and in the end they proudly represented their school both during and after the race! All of the students that competed today truly represent the positive Sudbury Catholic spirit and I congratulate each and every one of them for an outstanding job! As well, I thank all of the teachers and volunteers who helped made today such a success!”

After a hearty lunch provided by the organizers, students began to get ready for departure, but were overheard by the teachers and volunteers already strategizing for the next outdoor adventure race in the spring.

University Information Night – October 15, 2012

There will be a University Information Night on Monday, October 16, 2012 for all students interested in finding out more information about Ontario universities. Representatives from all 21 of the provinces universities will be on hand to answer any questions from prospective students including admission requirements, residence, scholarships, application processes and much more. Students and their parents or guardians will be able to attend three different presentations from universities that will be thirty minutes in length. After each presentation, a question and answer period will follow. This university information night was created to help students in their decision making process before they apply to universities beginning January 2013. This event will be taking place at Lockerby Composite School from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

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