Please see the following letter outlining the learning platform for Marymount students:
Month: March 2020
22 Projects Selected to Present at Regional Science Fair!
Our Board Wide Science Fair was held on March 4, 2020 at St. Charles College. Students from Grade 7-12 participated in the event where they went through a formal event and judging process.
22 projects were selected to go on to the Regional Science Fair to be held on April 4, 2020!
Third Place: Joe Gouchie and Sam Oduwale, St. Charles College with the project Printing Speed of Grade 8 Males.
Second Place: Ella Caissie and Ava Collette, St. Anne School with the project H.A.W. Pipe.
First Place and Best in Fair: Julia Parenteau and Hailey MacDonald, St. Anne School with the project Les effets croissance sur des plantes avec differents liquides.
In addition, the following projects were honoured:
Most Creative : Wyatt Rolling from St. John School, with the project Fish On!
Best Presentation: Tyson Kirk and Aiden Anger from St. Charles College with the project Super Mario Upgrade.

Student Senate Fundraises for Australia!
On Wednesday, February 26th, Student Senate members from all four Sudbury Catholic secondary schools helped wait tables at Tony V’s restaurant to raise funds in support of Australian bushfire relief. In addition to cash donations, a percentage of proceeds from meal purchases will be donated to the St. Vincent de Paul Bushfire Appeal to provide food, clothing, and essentials, and recovery support to individuals and families in need. The students raised a total of $1220 ($500 from the restaurant and $720 in cash donations). Thank you to Tony V’s for supporting this fundraiser event!