Marymount Academy

Sharing Best Practice and Honouring Culture

Visitors from the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board were in town on Wednesday, September 29 to learn more about the inclusion of aboriginal culture within the school system. Dufferin-Peel CDSB’s Director of Education John Kostoff, Superintendent Clara Pitoscia and General Manager of Communication and Media Relations, Bruce Campbell visited with administration from the Sudbury Catholic District School Board to discuss the inclusion of aboriginal culture into the teaching and learning practices at the Sudbury Catholic Board. The group visited three of the Sudbury Catholic schools including St. Charles College, St. David Catholic Elementary School and St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School. At each of the sites, the principals, teachers and students spoke about the importance of the presence of aboriginal culture physically in the learning spaces, as well as embedded in their curriculum and teaching.”At Sudbury Catholic, we are so privileged to have key people in place in our organization who are passionate about honouring aboriginal culture in our educational community,” Catherine McCullough, Director of Education for the Sudbury Catholic Board stated. “We always welcome the opportunity to share what we continue to learn, with other Boards across the province.”

Marymount Students Learn to “Take a Stand”

On Tuesday, September 27, all grade 7 and 8 students at Marymount Academy were given a message- “Stand up for yourself!” As simple as it seems, this message was delivered with a powerful presentation. Through the efforts of Constable Victor Leroux, School and Police Liaison, Crime Prevention Officer Denise Fraser, and Vice Principal Lori Holden, the grade 7 and 8 students learned the harsh realities of bullying – from the perspectives of the bully and the victim. Whether it is called bullying, harassment, assault etc, the girls learned that it all starts with intent. As long intent can be proven, the students are now of an age where there are much harsher consequences for these crimes. “This is why it is so important to stand up for yourselves.” Denise Fraser stated when speaking to the students. She went on to inform the students that there is always someone to turn to when you feel bullied – whether it be a parent, relative, friend, teacher – talking to someone you trust is the first step in getting help -and by doing this – you are taking a stand. On the flip side, Fraser spoke to the different actions that would be considered bullying, as in each bullying situation, there is always intent, repeat of actions and the wanting of power. “Through the use of words, (verbal, written or electronic) and actions, the act of bullying,” Fraser said, “is a crime that you can be charged with now at your age.” As well, the girls learned that standing aside and doing nothing when witnessing bullying is also a huge part of the problem.
Lori Holden knew that this presentation was one that her students needed to hear. “We always want to encourage respectful relationships and equity and inclusivity at Marymount Academy,” Holden stated. “This presentation informs our students of the consequences of bullying, and allows them to focus on making the right decisions and positive choices in their lives.”

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