Year 26 for Marymount-S.A.C.Y. Christmas Luncheon Celebration

At 11:15 a.m. on Friday, December 11, 2015, it was organized chaos as the grade 12 Marymount Academy students scurried around getting the last minute preparations done for the annual Marymount-Sudbury-Action Centre for Youth (S.A.C.Y.) Christmas luncheon. For the past twenty-six years, Marymount teacher – now retired – Matthew Wiecha, has organized this gathering which supports the clients of S.A.C.Y. – many who are homeless and dealing with addiction and mental health issues. For the last few weeks, the grade twelve students at the school set up a plan of action to ensure that nothing was forgotten, wanting to ensure that the entire meal was perfect for all that attended the lunch. The group anticipated between 250-300 clients coming out to enjoy the feast. “The need is greater and greater each year,” explained Wiecha. “For many this is the only Christmas meal they will have, and we want to ensure that they are well fed and happy. The Marymount students are outstanding – this year having the biggest group ever get involved in the luncheon. It really is something special for all who take part as our students exemplify the true meaning of Christmas – giving – and the clients recognize that they are part of a community that truly cares about their well-being.”