June 02, 2020
We’re proud to announce the launch of the 2020 Summer Camp Online Program!

Are you excited for summer? We are! We are happy to announce the SCDSB 2020 Summer Camp expanded online program. Please click the link and fill in a survey for each of your children you would like to take part in the opportunity. You will need to commit to be part of the program for 3 weeks: two hours a day. July 6-24th, 9am to 11am.
Our expanded online learning includes K-8 online classes, K-8 ELL classes (for our newcomers) and Indigenous Learning.
Sign up quickly to secure your spot as spaces are limited: SIGN UP HERE!
Sign up by June 12th as we will start notifying people they are part of our awesome summer program! (be sure to leave your email so we can connect with you!)