Skills Ontario International Women’s Day Conference 2021

On Monday, March 8th over 100 Marymount Students joined Skills Ontario’s virtual conference in celebration of International Women’s Day 2021! This event was dedicated to empowering women through relatable and engaging conversations. This year, International Women’s Day’s official theme was: Choose to Challenge.
“A challenged world is an alert world. Individually, we’re all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day. We can all choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. We can all choose to seek out and celebrate women’s achievements. Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world. From challenge comes change, so let’s all choose to challenge.” (IWD 2021)
Students heard how tradeswomen are shattering stigmas and stereotypes surrounding sexism, working in a male-dominated industry, being an inspiring female entrepreneur, maintaining work-life balance, and more. The Skills Ontario International Women’s Day Conference 2021 provided viewers with the opportunity to listen and to engage with women working in skilled trades and technologies. Women who are exploring and entering these careers were able to hear firsthand from women in the industry on their experiences and advice.
Students listened to encouraging messages from highly respected and influential leaders and tradespeople, including former Regal Tessa Gooden, (class of 2009) now a music producer and sing/songwriter, the Honourable Jill Dunlop, Associate Minister of Children’s and Women’s Issues, Jill Timushka, welding instructor/inspector and Hilary Noack, Owner of Ink & Iron an all-female auto body shop.
The conference ended with Principal Cassandra Tenbergen addressing her students. “Today I encourage all girls to reflect on and honour powerful women in their life and who inspires them, as they become our strong, future leaders of tomorrow.”