Regals Fight Cancer Campaign Surpasses Goal

On April 24, 2015, Katherine Boyce, Marymount Academy student and the school’s Catholic Charities Council president asked the entire school student body to stand up if they have ever had anyone in their life that had been affected by cancer. One by one, every single student, staff member, and invited guest stood up. Upon seeing the entire gym full of people on their feet, Boyce spoke to the group, “This is why we stand up to Cancer –this is why Regals Fight Cancer!” The school wrapped up their Regals Fight Cancer campaign with a variety of head-shaving, dying, hair donating, and leg shaving – which was all dependent upon the amount of monies raised to support one of their own – a grade 12 student who is battling cancer, and to give to the Northeastern Ontario Cancer Foundation. In the end, the Regals surpassed their $10,000 goal, raising over 21,000 dollars to support their fellow regal and the NOCF. Heads were shaved and dyed, and the students enjoyed seeing their teachers support both Marymount, and Greater Sudbury community by following through on their promises. Several students and teachers also had their hair cut and donated for wigs for chemotherapy patients who have lost their hair. Lucie Cullen, principal of the school was emotional throughout the presentation. “Katherine Boyce made mention at the beginning of the presentation that Marymount is a family,” Cullen explained. “And in every sense of the word this is true. Today shows how close we are as a school community, a strong Regal family, supporting one of our own as well as giving back to our city. As always this school community makes us incredibly proud!”