Through AP courses, students who want to achieve at the highest level can earn advanced placement and university credits while still in high school. Pre-AP courses are the pathway for students interested in taking an AP course at the senior level and ultimately, prepare students to successfully pass the approved College Board exam.
Grade 7 & 8 (Reach Ahead)
Selected students will take part in Reach Ahead activities. While in Grade 8, students can take part in Grade 9 classes.
Grade 9 & 10 (Pre-AP)
This program will include enrichment activities, group projects and discussions within the regular classroom.
Grades 11 & 12 (AP)
Students will continue with enrichment activities and tutorials with the teacher. There is a possibility of separate AP classrooms. In May, students write an examination from the College Board.
AP course offerings include: AP Calculus, AP English Literature and Composition and AP French Language and Culture