Marymount Students Prove They Have Warm Hearts!

Students at Marymount Academy braved the cold temperatures to participate in the Warm Hearts for Warm Soup initiative this month. The students and staff covered Elgin Street and formed a human chain to pass over 200 containers of soup to the Samartian Centre to help feed those in need.
“What a fantastic experience for Marymount Academy to come together with members of the downtown businesses to serve the most vulnerable members of our community. It was great to see all staff and students living out the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations!” said Principal Lori Holden.
“I am so happy that I was able to participate in this special event. I feel so good about helping others!” said Anna Weiler Grade 12 student.
Parent Council representative Shannon Morin was also thrilled to participate! “ I was honored to be part of the Warm Soup for Warm Hearts campaign. I am looking forward to participating again next year.”