13 Science Fair Projects to Advance to the Virtual 2021 Regional Science Fair

13 projects from Sudbury Catholic Schools will advance to the Virtual 2021 Regional Science Fair. The Sudbury Catholic District School Board held a board wide virtual science fair where projects were judged and scored. Project topics included ‘What foods produce the most biogas”, “The Best Acoustical Set-Up” and “Sturdy Guard – Creating a More Secure Skate Guard.”
The top three Board Science Fair projects are as follows:
• Third Place: Mary Leigh (Marymount Academy) – The Best Acoustical Set-Up
• Second Place: Malachi Slack (Remote Learning School) – Dans Quelle Mesure les Désinfectants Fonctionnent-ils?
• First Place/Best in Fair: Cameron O’Daiskey (St. Anne School) – Snuffed Out
“Each year, our students present unique and creative science fair projects, and this year was certainly no exception. Though this year’s science fair looked a bit different, students were able to participate by showcasing their projects, experiments and visual evidence in an online forum,” said Joanne Bénard, Director of Education for the Sudbury Catholic District School Board. “We thank our judges as well as our educators for guiding students and continually finding new opportunities for hands-on learning and growth. We wish participating students good luck in the Virtual 2021 Regional Science Fair!”
Please visit the following link to view all of the Sudbury Catholic science fair projects: LINK. Judging for the Virtual 2021 Regional Science Fair will take place throughout April and the official awards ceremony will be held on April 18, 2021.